7 Tips to Develop a Brand via Public Speaking
Have you ever attended a talk that resonated with you so well that you further researched the speaker and their work online? Did it entice you to buy from them or use their services? Perhaps their campaign was not only impressive to you but also to your peers?
Imagine having this effect when you are publicly speaking about your brand. You want to make sure that you’re reaching out to people in a way that can turn them into potential clients.
Public speaking is a great way to cultivate your brand and build brand awareness in a large audience. Here are some tips on how to develop your brand with power-packed public talks.
1. Use your superpower: Visuals
Ever sat through a mundane presentation? There’s no doubt you must have zoned out of the session.
Cluttering your presentation with bullet points is one culprit. Make your presentations visually engaging by using images that complement your talk. Cut back on the lines of text. That would make things more interesting, right?
Speak your words, do not write them. Such a presentation connects more with the audience and has a better chance of grabbing their attention. Unique, memorable visuals have a great chance of leaving an impression on your audience.
A study by the Wharton School of Business shows that people recollect 80% of what they see and do. It states that 67% of an audience are persuaded by verbal presentation accompanied by visuals, rather than text.
Now, with a galaxy of graphics and visuals available in the online world, choose the best to supplement your speech.
Source: Neomam Studios
2.Be Like Mr. Darcy
No, we don’t mean to catch off-guard your Elizabeth Bennet in a horrifically shocking way. We are referring to Mr. Darcy’s unwavering belief that he will win the lady over (from Pride and Prejudice). Eventually, he does!
Just as confident as he was in pitching himself as the perfect spouse to Elizabeth, be confident in yourself. You are up there for a reason. You know your expertise. You know your topic and your brand inside out.
Much of the anxiety about not doing well stems from self-doubt and the fear of being judged. It’s completely natural. Get the facts straight and you will know what you’re pitching to the audience. If you show the audience you’re nervous, they will start to doubt you. Whenever you feel you’re losing confidence, remind yourself that what you tell will be told, what you sell will be sold; there are no negotiations.
Bring out your inner Mr. Darcy!
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3.Tell the audience something they don’t know
Unless you are a famous speaker, people aren’t there to listen to you talk and learn about your brand. People are there because they want something that makes them relate and explore possibilities. They are there because they want you to give them what they need.
Put yourself in their shoes. Pick those points that speak to them. Get them involved. Tell them why your brand should matter to them and what they’ve been missing out on.
Tell them why your brand is something they can relate to. You’re not here to share about yourself; you are here to show them something that will benefit them.
4. Be a storyteller
Everyone likes stories. If you start talking about technical points, the audience is likely to turn their attention to their phones.
Try to tell your audience a story. Have you seen the Disney ad featuring a cute little duckling who meets Donald Duck? Doesn’t it leave quite an impression? Not only does it connect our habits, but also makes the viewer dive into an exciting adventure for a few minutes. Similarly, you can connect your brand story with your personal experience.
Engaging your audience in a story connected to your brand has a higher chance of holding their attention and leaving an impression. Plus, they might even narrate it to people after the event.
5. Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice achieves two goals: It helps you gain confidence and own what you say, and secondly, it highlights areas to improve upon.
Have your family and friends act as an audience to help you out. Prepare a list of follow-up questions to ask them. This will help you know what points in your presentation may confuse the audience, what would make them more interested, and so on. Harvard Brain Researcher Jill Taylor rehearsed her TED Talk 200 times before delivering it live.
Practice as much as you can as it won’t just help you improve yourself but also ease your anxieties.
6. To Be Me Or Not To Be Me?
One main question that arises is whether to be yourself or to have a persona, maybe imitating someone you admire. Our advice is that you should choose to be the most genuine version of yourself. This helps build trust and rapport with the audience.
If you try to be more of an expert or copy someone else, the audience will be able to sense that you’re not being authentic. The more authentic you are, and the more you put yourself out there, the higher the chances of the audience being interested in what you have to say.
Besides, if you try to be someone else, you won’t be able to maintain the smooth flow of your presentation. You will most likely always be assessing in the back of your mind how to act and what to do next.
Instead, be comfortable in your own skin and speak with confidence. Captivate the audience with your uniqueness. Ultimately, the whole event is not about you though, it is about connecting with the audience and promoting your brand.
7. Favor statistics as evidence
Make your speech more effective and credible by using statistics and data. Backing up your statements and observations with scientific data makes your arguments more convincing for your audience. Reinforcing your stories and brand insights by using numbers is the starting step to increasing consumer trust.
Summing Up
Standing out from others needs innovation and creativity. And public speaking is a great tool to help you exercise these two factors.
Leverage public speaking as an effective tool to develop brand recognition. It provides a human touch for potential clients and offers an opportunity to interact and connect.
About the author:
Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, content marketing, and SEO. He is also the Founder and CEO of Content Solutions, a digital marketing agency. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.
This was originally posted on SpeakerHub Skillcamp.