Become a Renowned Speaker: Tips on How to Grow Your Speaking Business

10 min readFeb 2, 2024


Are you ready to take your speaking business to new heights? If you’ve ever envisioned captivating audiences with your words and making a real impact, you’re in the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover the essential strategies to help you grow your speaking business. No jargon, no complex terms — just practical advice and actionable steps to connect with your audience, build your brand, and achieve your business goals.

So, whether you’re a seasoned speaker looking to expand your reach or just starting on your speaking journey, let’s dive in and turn your passion into a thriving business.

Understanding Your Audience

Before you step onto the stage, it’s important to understand the people who will be sitting in the audience. Your ability to connect, inspire, and leave a lasting impression depends on it.

Knowing your audience is the first and most crucial step in growing your speaking business.

Imagine your audience as a puzzle. Each member has unique interests, pain points, and expectations. Start by conducting thorough research on the demographics and psychographics of your audience.

Are they industry professionals seeking advanced insights, or are they novices looking for foundational knowledge? Understanding these aspects allows you to tailor your speech content, tone, and examples to resonate with them, much like a musician choosing the right melody for a specific audience.

Engagement is key to making your message stick.

But how do you ensure your audience stays hooked? The secret lies in uncovering their needs and aspirations. Conduct surveys, participate in forums, or engage directly through social media. This direct interaction provides insights into their challenges and builds a personal connection.

By addressing their specific problems and offering solutions, you transform your speech from a monologue into a meaningful conversation. It’s like being a guide who knows exactly what the tour group is interested in exploring.

Lastly, adaptability is your superpower.

The needs and preferences of audiences evolve constantly, and so should your approach. Stay informed about the latest trends and challenges in your field. Attend other speaking events, read extensively, and stay engaged with your audience’s ongoing conversations.

This continuous learning enables you to update your content, ensuring it remains relevant and impactful. Think of yourself as a chef who keeps updating the menu to delight the patrons with fresh, appealing dishes. By staying adaptable, you ensure your speaking business not only grows but also thrives.

Harvard Business Review offers valuable perspectives on putting the audience first in public speaking.

Crafting Your Unique Message

Identify your core message.

At the heart of every successful speaker is a clear, compelling core message. This is the central idea or theme that you are passionate about and that resonates with your audience. To identify this, ask yourself: What message do I want my audience to remember? What change or impact do I want to inspire?

Your core message should be a blend of your expertise, personal experiences, and the needs of your audience. It’s like finding the golden thread that ties all your speeches together, providing consistency and depth to your presentations.

Develop a storytelling approach.

People relate to stories more than facts and figures. Your ability to weave your core message into engaging stories can set you apart as a speaker. Focus on these elements:

  • Relatability: Share personal anecdotes or stories that your audience can see themselves in.
  • Emotional Connection: Use emotional hooks to engage your audience — happiness, surprise, inspiration, or even shared frustrations.
  • Teachable Moments: Each story should have a clear takeaway or lesson that aligns with your core message.

Adapt and evolve.

Your unique message is not set in stone. It should evolve as you grow in your speaking career and as the needs of your audience change.

Stay open to feedback, new experiences, and emerging trends. This adaptability ensures your message remains relevant and impactful. Think of it as a tree growing stronger and more expansive, providing more shade and shelter over time. Keep refining your message based on the responses you get from your audience and your own development as a speaker.

Building a Strong Personal Brand

Define your brand essence.

Your personal brand is the heart and soul of your speaking career. It’s not just about logos and taglines; it’s about who you are and what you believe in.

Start by asking yourself: What are my core values and passions? For example, if you’re passionate about empowering young entrepreneurs, let that passion shape your brand. This clarity will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and guide your decisions and actions.

Showcase authenticity.

In a world full of curated personas, authenticity is a breath of fresh air.

Share your real experiences and stories. When you talk about your failures and how you overcame them, it not only humanizes you but also makes your message more relatable and impactful. For example, a speaker specializing in resilience might share their personal journey of overcoming adversity, providing a real-life illustration of their principles.

Be consistent across channels.

Your brand should be consistently represented across all platforms — from your website to your social media profiles. This doesn’t mean you need to be monotonous; rather, ensure your core message and style are cohesive. If your brand is about high energy and motivation, your LinkedIn posts, Instagram stories, and keynote speeches should all radiate that same energy.

Use engaging visual identity.

A visually appealing brand helps create a memorable impression. Invest in a professional logo, choose a color scheme that reflects your brand’s personality, and ensure your visual elements are in harmony. For instance, a speaker who talks about innovation and technology might choose a modern, minimalist design with a futuristic color palette to visually communicate their expertise.

Live your brand.

Finally, remember that your brand is not just what you say, but what you do. Every interaction, speech, and piece of content should reinforce your brand promise.

If you position yourself as an expert in mindful leadership, then your actions, from the way you conduct yourself on stage to how you interact with clients, should embody mindfulness and thoughtful leadership. This congruence builds trust and credibility, making your brand not just recognizable, but respected.

Leveraging Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media is an indispensable tool for growing your speaking business. It allows you to reach a broader audience, establish your brand, and engage with your community in real time.

Here, we delve into how you can effectively use social media to amplify your speaking career.

1. Identifying the Right Platforms: Not all social media platforms are created equal, especially when it comes to professional speaking. It’s crucial to identify where your target audience spends their time. For example, LinkedIn is excellent for professional networking, while Instagram might be more suitable for storytelling and building your brand.

2. Creating Engaging Content: The content you share on social media should reflect your expertise and resonate with your audience. Share insights, tips, and experiences related to speaking. Videos of your speaking engagements, short motivational quotes, and behind-the-scenes glimpses can be engaging.

3. Building Relationships: Social media is not just about broadcasting; it’s about engaging. Respond to comments, participate in relevant conversations, and connect with other industry professionals. This interaction builds relationships and increases your visibility.

To better understand how to engage with your audience on social media, consider reading Sprout Social’s article on social media engagement and how to improve it.

4. Consistency is Key: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and helps in building a loyal following. However, it’s not just about quantity; the quality of your content is equally important. A consistent and value-driven social media presence enhances your credibility as a speaker.

5. Analyzing and Adapting: Utilize analytics tools provided by social media platforms to understand the performance of your content. This data can help you refine your strategy, focusing on what works best for your audience.

Social Media Strategy Table

By strategically leveraging social media, you can significantly enhance your reach and impact as a speaker. Remember that every post is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience.

Exploring Online Platforms

Nowadays, expanding your reach as a speaker goes hand in hand with leveraging online platforms. Apart from social media sites, one such invaluable resource is SpeakerHub. This platform acts as a bridge connecting speakers with event organizers actively seeking passionate and knowledgeable speakers. By creating a compelling profile on SpeakerHub, you gain visibility and credibility, increasing your chances of securing speaking engagements.

You can also explore the world of webinars and virtual speaking opportunities. With the rise of remote work and digital events, webinars offer an effective way to connect with a global audience from the comfort of your own space. Keep an eye out for relevant industry webinars and virtual conferences where you can share your insights and expand your network.

In this digital era, the possibilities for growing your speaking business online are endless, and embracing these platforms can propel your career to new heights.

Diversifying Your Speaking Opportunities

Expanding your reach as a speaker requires exploring a variety of platforms and events. Diversification increases your visibility and enriches your experience and skill set. Here’s how to effectively diversify your speaking opportunities:

Identify different speaking venues.

Begin by listing various speaking engagements — conferences, corporate events, workshops, webinars, and podcasts. Each type offers unique benefits and targets different audience segments. For instance, while conferences allow you to reach a large audience, webinars let you connect with a global audience.

Tailor your content.

Different venues require different styles and content. What works in a workshop might not suit a large conference. Adapt your content to fit the format and audience of each venue. For example, a workshop might require a more interactive and hands-on approach compared to a keynote speech at a conference.

Build a diverse network.

Expand your network to include organizers from various industries and event types. Networking is not just about attending events; it involves active online engagement and building relationships with other professionals in your field.

To expand your reach even further, consider partnering with a reputable speaker bureau that can connect you with diverse speaking opportunities.

Leverage past successes.

Use your successful speaking engagements as a portfolio to attract more opportunities. Share testimonials, videos, or snippets from past events on your website and social media. This showcases your skills and gives potential organizers a peek into what you bring to the table.

Stay informed and proactive.

Keep yourself updated about upcoming events in your niche. Subscribe to newsletters, join professional groups, and follow relevant organizations on social media. Proactively reach out to event organizers with a well-crafted pitch highlighting your unique value proposition.

By diversifying your speaking opportunities, you expand your reach and gain exposure to different audiences. This can lead to more engagements and a stronger presence in your field.

Managing Finances and Pricing Strategy

Understand your worth and set prices.

Knowing your value is crucial in setting the right price for your services. Research the market to understand the standard rates for speaking engagements similar to yours. Factor in your experience, expertise, and the uniqueness of your content.

It’s not just about what others charge; it’s about the value you bring to the table. Consider offering tiered pricing based on the type of engagement (keynote, workshop, webinar) and the audience size.

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics website for comprehensive market research and statistical data relevant to various industries, including speaking engagements.

Leverage financial planning and diversification.

A successful speaking business requires savvy financial planning. Diversify your income streams by considering book sales, online courses, and consulting services related to your speaking topics. This stabilizes your income and broadens your audience reach.

Budgeting is key. Allocate funds for marketing, travel, continuous education, and savings for leaner periods. Remember, a fluctuating income is typical in this business, so plan accordingly.

Use effective expense management.

Keep track of your expenses meticulously. Invest in a good accounting software or hire a professional if needed.

Expenses include travel, accommodation, marketing, website maintenance, and professional development. Being aware of where every dollar goes helps in making informed decisions and ensures the financial health of your business.

Pricing and Expense Management Table

This table serves as a quick reference for managing your finances and pricing strategy, ensuring that every decision contributes to the growth and sustainability of your speaking business.

Conclusion: Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategy

To truly grow your speaking business, regularly assess your progress and adapt your strategy. Consider key metrics such as audience engagement, event frequency, and revenue growth.

Ask yourself: Are you reaching more people? Are your presentations leading to more bookings? Is your income from speaking engagements increasing?

Use these insights to fine-tune your approach, whether it’s adjusting your topics, changing your marketing tactics, or exploring new speaking platforms. Remember, the most successful speakers are those who continuously evolve and adapt to the changing needs of their audience and the industry.

About the author:

Austin Benton is a successful entrepreneur who has generated over 80,000 business opportunities. He built and sold a 7-figure consulting agency and is passionate about digital marketing.

This was originally posted on SpeakerHub Skillcamp.

