The all-time top ten most-read list of articles from SpeakerHub

5 min readNov 20, 2017


Wow! We have published 150 articles on our blogs… a great milestone we’re proud of.

We’ve covered all sorts of topics that range from how to avoid catastrophes during your next event, through how to handle hecklers, to the best technology for speakers and trainers.

We wanted to know what kind of articles you, our audience, like best. So we took a look at what your top ten favourite articles have been to create this list to share with you.

Before we share this list though, we want to take a second to say thank you. Not only for being a member of our community, but also for the quick emails of encouragement, social media shares, and for coming back to read more.

Here is the list:

Top ten most-read articles on SpeakerHub

1. Speaker One Sheet Template

Create your own personalized OneSheet with this our template that you can use and download and easily print off, share on social media, or send directly to an event planner. Ultimately, you will be creating the One Page yourself, but we’re making it easy.

See the article and free template “Speaker One Sheet Template

2. 101 Quotes to inspire speakers

Inspiration sometimes runs dry, and for presenters feeling uninspired can lead to a poor performance. Where do you go when you need a bit of extra lift? Sometimes the well thought out words of history’s very best orators can be just the ticket. From drafting speeches to calming your nerves right before you step into the spotlight, we’ve collected the top inspiring 101 quotes from thought leaders around the world.

Download the eBook or read the article “101 Quotes to inspire speakers

3. 8 Storytelling techniques to use on stage

From scientists to social media gurus, the experts agree that storytelling is one of the very best ways for the human brain to process and store information. There are dozens of ways to creatively spin a tale, and the different techniques can aid your talk in a variety of ways. Find out more about the 8 main storytelling techniques, and when to use them.

See the infographic “8 Storytelling techniques to use on stage

4. 5 Ways to keep your speakers on time

Although most speakers love the freedom of a hands-off approach from the event organiser, it is important for the overall conference that the sessions are on schedule. This article explores five foolproof ways to make sure your speakers stay on time.

Read the article “5 Ways to keep your speakers on time

5. The Essential Speaker Checklist

With a million things to remember before your presentation, forgetting a key element can put you off kilter, and even jeopardize your ability to deliver your talk. With this in mind, we have drawn on our collective experience here at SpeakerHub to create this useful checklist for public speakers.

Download a printable speaker checklist PDF or see the full article.

6. 21 Smartphone apps for presenters

Whether you’re getting up in front of a class at your child’s next “Bring-your-parent-to-school” day or giving a TED Talk, there’s an app that will help you get ready to take the stage. Although none of the apps can get up on stage and do the presentation for you, the 21 tools we list in this article will help you practice and refine, getting you to the point where you can deliver great talks.

See the list “21 Smartphone apps for presenters”

7. 6 Ideas for Moderating Engaging Panel Discussions

Discussion panels can go one of two ways: they are either enlightening and provocative, or they are really rather boring.This article for tips on how to ensure your panel falls in the former category.

Read the article “6 Ideas for Moderating Engaging Panel Discussions

8. What conference organizers wish speakers knew

In this panel discussion podcast interview, produced and hosted by Cal Evans from Voices of the Elephant, five event organizers weigh in on what kinds of things they look for in an application and how they decided on a speaker. The panel also covers topics like how internal committees choose from a shortlist of speakers, the effects of having great testimonials, the right time to asks for your expenses to be covered, and what advice the organizers have for aspiring speakers.

Listen to the podcast and read the transcript of “What conference organizers wish speakers knew

9. The ultimate reading list: 50 great books that every speaker should read

Most speakers need constant inspiration, especially when they’ve hit a wall in creating content or getting an audience to engage with them on a higher level. With this in mind, here’s a helpful list of over 50 books that speakers can read to become a better speaker. We’ve compiled this list of book recommendations by assessing the areas that speakers typically need inspiration or guidance. Many of these books will cross categories, and have great ideas that span from creating influential openings, to designing impactful slides.

See the list: “50 great books that every speaker should read

10. Presenting around the world: Cross-cultural humour guide

Although non-exhaustive, this quick culture guide should give you a good idea of what is a go and what is a no in some major cultures from around the world.

Download the eBook “Presenting around the world: Cross-cultural humour guide

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This was originally posted on the SpeakerHub blog.

